Tag Archives: Tips

Top 7 Spring Fashion Trends

Give Em’ The Cold Shoulder  woman posing Shoulder cut-outs are in this spring, making everything just a bit sexier. We will be seeing a lot more than just off-the-shoulder tops that were popular in the past. You will see these cut outs in dresses, rompers, jump suits and more. Image Source: Apricot Lane Pinterest Slip Into the 90’s woman back If you have problems getting out of bed in the morning you will love this trend. The slip dress is back and now being worn under knits or paired with an edgy moto jacket. Image Source: Song of Style Fringed Everything fringe-jacket-2 It looks like fringe is here to stay. We are seeing that almost every designer has added fringe to their spring collections and the trend doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon. Image Source: AshantiBrazil.com The Always Sexy & Chic Jumpsuit woman posing 2 No matter what is your body type, jumpsuits seem to work for everybody. It's definitely one of those trends that transitions perfectly from winter into spring. Combine this garment with your favorite accessories for the ultimate street style. Image Source: Hello Fashion Blog Orange Is The New Black Blair Eadie Fall Fashion Inspiration 4 This spring, you will see many different shades of Orange even paired with a pale pink or bright green. You can achieve this look by mixing your shades of Orange with a solid or print. Image Source: Jessica's Wonderland  Say Yes To Suede posing 70’s inspiration suede is coming in strong for spring 2016. Experiment with different colors or stay true to the sandy tones that we love. Image Source: FashionJackson.com It’s All About The Accessories bag Layering jewelry will continue to trend in Spring 2016. It’s time to show off every piece of jewelry in your box. Berets, brooches and specs are in for spring. Image Source: Aubrie Evans

5 Style Rules To Live By In 2016

Starting this year, we have announced that we are free from the rules of fashion. No longer held captive by all of the outdated and backwards general truths and rules we used to obey. Fearing trends that aren’t pretty or prints that clash are a thing of the past. It’s time to make some critical and necessary changes to our closet!

So with renovation as our inspiration, we have 5 style rules to live by in 2016.

1. Don’t Dress For Your Body Type

We’ve never thought it was a good idea to dress a certain way to flatter your body type or shape, agreeing to the idea that the only fashion tips to follow are the ones that make you look thinner. So in 2016, we are so excited to see skinny everything be put aside and comfortable body-breathing trends like wide legs and oversized everything taking over. Come 2016, put aside what you think about what’s flattering for your body type: Bold is the new skinny.

2. Don’t Feel Confined to Having to Dress Your Age

This year we had a couple of 80 year olds labeled as style leaders both of high fashion and street wear, proving that age should never be a limitation on your style. Go ahead and wear the costume jewelry or crazy retro prints if you want. There is no better time to do you.

3. Don’t Follow Fashion Trends Blindly

Yes, trends keep changing, and fashion keeps changing. Although we don’t think that it’s a bad thing to keep up with the times, you should never forget your own personality. How you dress shows the world who you are. Confidence is attractive. Wearing the right clothes plays a huge role in how you feel, and the worst thing that you can do to yourself is to be uncomfortable in something that you are wearing. We are living in the moment where personal style is art, take this opportunity to experiment, explore, and create your own unique look. Then selectively adopt trends in a way that feels true to who you are.

4. Maintain Your Wardrobe

As we’ve seen with this year’s ’70s and ’90s looks, clothes are constantly going out and coming back into style. With this knowledge, it’s important to ensure the longevity of our clothes. Start the year off right by taking some of your clothes to the tailor and make sure to read the care labels to ensure proper care. If there are pieces you no longer feel like you love it may be time to donate them.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Lead

Don’t be afraid to be the best-dressed girl in the room. If you take the time to care about your appearance, it’s going to happen at some point. It may take some getting used to because you may feel overdressed but learn to embrace it. You may feel that people are treating you differently, but the differences will be surprisingly positive.